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Pengaruh Intensitas Kegiatan PR Terhadap Citra Di Media Sosial Instagram PT.PLN Unit Pelaksana Pelayanan Pelanggan Lenteng Agung

fakultas :
Ilmu Komunikasi
pengarang :
Soleman Hutasuhut, Rafilia Dhia Luthfita
tanggal :
Tahun 2022
seri :
Volume 11. No. 1. Tahun 2022
issn :

This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of the intensity of PR activities on the image of PT. PLNs Lenteng Agung Customer Service Implementation Unit on Instagram Social Media. Research Methodology: The type of research used was illustrative research, as well as the method used were surveys. The sample technique used is a technical sampling, which is a simple random sampling with the responsiveness of 91 people. The method of data collection used is a questionnaire. Theory : The theory that will be used is the Uses and Gratification theory and the Uses and Effect theory. This theory tries to explain how the audience chooses the media they want.

kata kunci :
Intensity of PR Activities, Corporate Image, PT. PLN Customer Service Implementing Unit, Social Media Instagram

alamat : Jln. Letjen T.B. Simatupang No.152 Tanjung Barat Jagakarsa - Jakarta Selatan 12530 telp : (021) 7890 634, 789 0965, 788 31838 fax: (021) 789 0966

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